The recent approval of DL n.40/2010, (art. 1, commi 1,2 e 3) c.d. “Decreto Incentivi”, has introduced the obligation, for the Italian passive VAT subjects, to communicate by telematic to the Entrance Agency the purchases / sales of properties as well as the Services given or received, registered or subject to registration, toward the economical operators with main office, residence or domiciliation in the Countries with privileged taxation “Black List”, defined by DDMM 4.5.99 and 21.11.2001.
The obligation starts for the transactions done from 1 July 2010
Consecutively, by DM 5.8.2010, published on the Italian Official Gazette on 17.08.2010, n.191 has been re-defined the calendar of presentation of the lists. The communication must be presented from the passive VAT subjects (companies and professionals), that have transactions with economica operators having main office, residence or domiciliation in the Countries or Territories with privileged fiscal regime, the following operations:
. sales of goods
. services given
. purchase of goods
.services received
To know more you can download a note here